Born to Run, Graceful Words from The Boss
A few weeks ago my daughter and I went to the dog and pony show that was Bruce Springsteen signing his autobiography at Tattered Cover. After an hour (many waited much longer) in the serpentine line, we scored a side hug, handshake and picture with The Boss to go along with our new pre-autographed books. As I left Bruce covered me with, "God bless you." So I've got that going for me, which is nice. Truly.
As I sit reading by the fire, watching a Colorado snowfall this morning, words of grace in Born to Run stilled my soul.
Back east we usually experience the freedom that comes with a good snowstorm. No work, no school, the world shutting its big mouth for a while, the dirty secrets covered over in virgin white, like all the missteps you've taken have been erased by nature. You can't run; you can only sit. You open your door on a trackless world, your old path, your history, momentarily covered over by a landscape of forgiveness, a place where something new might happen. It's an illusion but it can stimulate the regenerative parts of your spirit to make good on God and nature's suggestion.
So, if you've really blown it with an affair or other betrayal, receive these words of blessing from Bruce. Your worst mistake does not define your destiny. New paths are available.
Buy Betrayed and Betrayer at Amazon by Ben and Ann Wilson