443/444 Healing from Infidelity: Grateful
Today, we are grateful.
Our thanks include:
- Still being married
- a wife who gets energized by serving 90 friends breakfast at the Turkey Trot
- we don't have to share our kids on holidays between a his and her home (knowing that most folks in the Divorce Care class at church do not want their divorce)
- that we have transformed hearts
- the ninety neighbors and friends who were so generous this morning
- Ben being just a little bit goofy, sometimes a lot goofy according to Ann
- for pain that draws us closer to God
- a full stomach of food knowing that many do not this day, hopefully our neighbors and friends contributions to the Food Bank help a little with that today
- for a healthy body that moves and doesn't complain too much
- good friends that can laugh and cry in the same conversation
- our children winding their way through their 20's
- our grandog
- our parents and their generous hearts
- the cabin and sanctuary that it is in the Ozark hills
- a dishwasher after serving 90 people breakfast this morning
- for sunshiny days and rainy days
- a great and diverse church family
- the rides on my Specialized Allez bicycle
- Ann's memory foam pillow
- our memory foam bed (particularly my hips are thankful for this)
- fresh blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries in winter
- hot apple cider
- hot cinammon rolls
- hot coffee
- the smell of bread baking
- fried chicken
- lakes
- walks in the woods
- fun music to dance to
- dancing in the kitchen to the fun music
- flowers in the spring
- the colors of fall
- snowflakes
- fires in the firepit on the patio
- the heat of the sun on my face
- men who fought in world war II
- men and women, living or dead, who've been in war anytime to provide us our freedom
- our Mustang convertible
- this is just a partial list
- We could go on
- and on
- and on
Somedays it's a good day to run 4 miles and somedays it's a good day to die. Though we desire to live another 30 years or more if by chance or by God's choice we were taken up today we have had great full lives. We are grateful for those lives and would die a happy man and woman ready to rejoice with our Maker and Savior. And I sure hope they have Costco Cinammon rolls in heaven.