Ben Wilson 720-378-2327
396/444 Healing from Infidelity: Recapturing Childlikeness
398/444 Encounter God’s Grace: His Presence through His Mercy

397/444 Healing from Infidelity: Sabbath Gratefulness

Meister Eckhart, the Christian mystic, asserted that if the only prayer we ever prayed our whole life was "Thank You," that would be enough. Gratefulness cultivates a visceral experience of having enough. When we are mindful of what we have, and give thanks for the many gifts we have overlooked or forgotten, our sense of wealth cannot help but expand, and we soon achieve a sense of sufficiency we so desire.

Practice thanksgiving before meals, upon rising, when going to sleep. Friends, family, food, color, fragrance, the earth, life itself--these are all gifts, perfectly gratuitous. How can we not give thanks? During Sabbath time we are less concerned with what is missing, focusing instead on sharing gratefulness for what has already been given. 

~Wayne Muller
