381/444 Healing from Infidelity: Grace, At Our Worst God Pours Out His Love The Most
Let's continue on with our meditation on Romans 5:1-8.
This grace in which we now stand is ubiquitous. Every breath is grace. Think of everything that makes life possible. It is all grace. Oxygen, water, sun and moon are all grace. Those elements that touch our souls are grace. Mountains, oceans, great lakes, sky and animals are all grace.
Think a moment of what you find beautiful in sight, taste, touch, sound, or smell. Take some time to really reflect on what stirs your soul through your senses. An orangish red sunset, sizzling fajitas, a microfiber blanket, a Black Keys tune, the scent of eggs and bacon in the morning. All these touch my soul. How about you?
It's incredible that God graced us with all this while we were at our worst or as The Message says, "...when we were of no use whatever to him."
Verse 8 says, "But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him." or "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
In the midst of all that beauty we all make heinous choices.
And if not heinous, each day all of us put other items in our lives ahead of Him. That’s idolatry. Yet, God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
At our worst God pours out His love the most. It's great to see people win and praise God. It really is. But what God says here is that when you were making those triple bogeys (a bad score if you don't play golf) and captaining 'The All S*#T Team' instead of 'The All Tournament Team' he sacrificed for you and chose you.
We are undeserving but God has deemed us worthy. We can't earn it. God merely chooses us. And he chooses...you.
While we were still sinners: Christ died for us.