Ben Wilson 720-378-2327
337/444 Healing from Infidelity: Sexual Intimacy #26, Your Relationship
339/444 Healing from Infidelity: Sexual Intimacy #28, Your Relationship

338/444 Healing from Infidelity: Sexual Intimacy #27, Your Relationship

Sexual Intimacy Exercise 2:

Write your vision for your sexual relationship.  Use the following as guidelines:

Don't try to describe the perfect experience. There are many emotions that emerge and it is important that you are talking about them. Most couples only talk about sex when they have sex, but we want you to talk about this apart from having sex. There can be more than one answer to each of the questions below. Feel free to add your own questions and answers to the list. 

How often would you like sexual contact?

What type of involvement would be desirable in that contact?

Who would/should initiate?

What preparation would be important?

What time of day is best?

How long should your times of sexual intimacy last?

What activities would be included?

What would you like to offer your spouse to improve your sexual intimacy?

Is there anything you need from your spouse to improve your sexual intimacy?

Would reading a book about healthy sexuality be helpful? 

