Ben Wilson 720-378-2327
309/444 Healing from Infidelity: 7th Rest Stop, Part 3
311/444 Healing from Infidelity: 7th Rest Stop, Ride On!

310/444 Healing from Infidelity: 7th Rest Stop, Part 4

Can I be honest with you? I hope so and I better be since it is a core value for us in rebuilding a marriage and continuing to strengthen a marriage.

We've been in Michigan a week now. I had most of these posts completed before we left but not all. The wedding that inspired this trip is tomorrow and the rehearsal today. We moved into our fourth place on this vacation (all planned) yesterday. We are sharing a house, on Lake Bellaire or Bellaire Lake in Michigan, with four other couples. We arrived first yesterday afternoon. The second couple pulled in from PA around 8. 

We enjoyed a grilled steak feast as we lounged by the water. It was great to share laughs and catch up. The other three couples rolled into town around 230am this morning. I snuck in a nap from 1230-230. We were all energized when they tumbled out of their car along with tantalizing leftover deep dish pizza from Chicago. 

The guys eventually ended up outside by the fire and then throwing the flashlight frisbee around. The gals stayed in our rustic rented beautiful log home and talked about the latest on their kids and lives. We all turned in about the time the sun came up at five. 

So now it's time to head to the rehearsal. So I drove a few miles to McDonalds and am sitting in their parking lot scarfing their wifi (please advise if this is stealing and I need to repent or cunning and I don't). 

All that to say, I am living the seventh rest stop this week as I post on it. I've had a great time enjoying the beauty of Michigan, the beauty of my wife during our time alone, and now the beauty of fun and meaningful friendship with these friends Ann and I are lodging with and others including the bride and groom. 

So take what you will from it and I'll be back to finish Brian Boyle's story from Coma to Kona tomorrow. 
