Ben Wilson 720-378-2327
254/444 Healing from Infidelity: Spiritual Intimacy 10, Prayer
256/444 Healing from Infidelity: Spiritual Intimacy 12, Share a Ministry

255/444 Healing from Infidelity: Spiritual Intimacy 11, Worship God Together

What does it mean to worship God together? All of these areas of spiritual intimacy are worthy of pages and pages. Here are a few brief thoughts. 

In our culture today worship is often a euphemism for music time at church. This is a sad reduction of a vast realm. Though worshipping through music is terrific it certainly isn't the only way to lift our hearts to God. 

Worshipping God is also much more than just going to church together. Going to church together is terrific too. Engaging with the sermon afterwards can guide one into depths of soul that can be shared together. Too often there is no discussion or it is truncated at agreeing or disagreeing. But what did it touch in you? Where did your mind wander to during the talk? Was there a new perspective for you? Who did you think of during that sermon that you can pray for? What was God up to in your soul during the gathering today?

Ann and I are moved during communion together. Often we'll serve one another. I'll say, "Ann, the body of Christ broken for you." I'll feed her the bread. She'll do likewise for me. She'll say, "Ben, the blood of Christ shed for you." We'll hook our arms through one another and drink the blood. Think of it. During those moments we are immersing ourselves in God's forgiveness for one another. For a long time I was totally pissed that God forgave Ann for her affair. Eventually, I realized this was a low view of my own sin and need for forgiveness and a realm of grace. During this time we are present with the eucharist, which means thanksgiving. By acknowledging the others need for a savior we get in touch with gratitude on many levels. 

Music is one way we do worship together. At church, yes, but also in our kitchen or other times. I don't worship so much with auto tune radio stations, but other times with a little more real or raw feel I'm able to join in with Ann in worship. Our hearts are penetrated together. 

Sometimes, when I see Ann moved to tears or taken far away to some grand universe in her soul, I am also taken to a place of worship. I delight in her and can feel our creator delighting in her. 

We also worship outdoors together. Creation leads to a place of awe and points to our creator. Ann has an inquisitive eye when we walk together. She catches beauty I often would have missed. This morning it was wild pink flowers flowing from a barbed wire fence. I inhaled the honeysuckle along the way as the cool breeze tickled my skin. Worshipping in creation is a sensual experience. 

Be creative in your worship together. What are the places and activities that lead you together to an encounter with God?

Today's discussion question: When did I feel most alive today?


