144/444 Healing from Infidelity: Please Pray
Tonight souls will be bared. Fears will be faced. Stories will be told.
On this first night of Marriages Restored the couples will hear tales of infidelity, lying, pornography, anger, codependcy, alcoholism and control. These are the painful symptoms of what exists at the core. Though our stories are different, at the heart of the matter, as wounded sinful men and women, they are each very much the same. Flailing men and women trying to make sense of a world by trying to solve our existential dilemmas by taking matters into our own hands.
We covet your prayers for us and the other couples telling their stories. Also, please pray for the couples attending. Pray that they'll be able and choose to attend. It takes so much courage to drive to the church, get out of the door and walk into a place that is going to invite and guide couples to the depth of the pain and sin in their lives.
And I would never do that if I didn't believe God's grace will be poured and underneath all the crud is the dignity he has placed in each one of us waiting to be revealed. Hope emerges in this.
So pray for all of that. God is out in front of us and he loves it when his kids care about his other kids.