Ben Wilson 720-378-2327
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Sinners Anonymous? « Reviving Identity

My friend Krista shares a bit about her vision for the church in an article on her blog.  
"Today I was reading in the journal Conversations. In an article by Chris Webb he talks about meeting a woman who is a drug addict, a prostitute, and a mother. Chris wonders “where should Michelle go to church?” and explores the difficulty of finding a church where people can go to find Jesus- not once they’ve found Him."
Krista closes with, "I am Krista, and I am a sinner. I am “gripped by but fighting with my destructive addiction to sin”. I need a place to be honest about this, and I need to be a person who others can be honest to about this as well.
Read all of Sinners Anonymous?
You can hear Krista's story LIVE this Tuesday during Celebrate Recovery (begins at 6pm) at  FBC Warrensburg.